Lakota HD
- Show: White Fences Summer Fun
- Location: Loxahatchee, FL
- Level: Intermediare II
- Score: 73.16% and 71.45%
Proud to Announce that Lakota HD at the age of 10 yrs old was 9th in the Nation for the USEF MARKEL Young Horse Festival of Champions in Chicago in the GRAND PRIX division!! Heidi Degele is very proud that she solely trained this horse since he was age 3 all the way to Grand Prix.
- Show: Wellington Classic Tropics I
- Location: Wellington, FL
- Level: Intermediare II
- Score: 68%
Thanks to Ann Hart and John Flanagan and Noreen O’Sullivan for such a great show as always!!!
- Show: White Fences Summer Fun
- Location: Loxahatchee, FL
- Level: Intermediare II
- Score: 73.16%
Thanks to Adam Pollak, Bent Jensen, Dr Weston Davis & Rae Marie Kennedy-Martin of Palm Beach Equine Clinic, Adam Holland, Cary Wallace, Michael F Rucci of Custom Saddlery, Lisa Wallace of DSB boots, Caroline Roffman, Robert Scott for his chiropractic care and Rene Ghelfi for her massage therapy!
- Show: Wellington Classic Tropics I
- Location: Wellington, FL
- Level: Intermediare II
- Score: 71.44%
Thanks to Bent Jensen, Custom Saddlery, Cary Wallace, DSB Boots, Lisa Wallace, my vet/farrier, my wonderful staff and Adam Pollak!
- Show: DH Grand Prix
- Location: White Fences Equestrian Center
- Level: Intermediare II
- Score: 67%
Thanks to so many: Caroline Roffman, Lisa Wallace, Michael F Rucci, Cary Wallace, my veterinarian Weston Davis, Farrier Adam Holland and trainers Lars Petersen, Patrick Burssens, Bent Jensen, my Chiropractor Robert Scott and massage therapist Rene Ghelfi!
- Show: White Fences Equestrian Center
- Location: Loxahatchee, FL
- Level: Developing GP
- Score: 65%
- Show: Welcome Back to White Fences
- Location: White Fences Equestrian Center, Loxahatchee, FL
- Level: PSG Developing Horse
- Score: 69.48%
- Show: Gold Coast May Dressage
- Location:
- Level: PSG
- Score: 67.10%
- Show: Dressage Challenge III
- Location:
- Level: PSG
- Score: 65.44%
- Show: Wellington Classic Dressage Challenge III
- Location: Wellington, FL
- Level: PSG
- Score: 67.10%
- Show: Welcome Back to White Fences II
- Location: White Fences Equestrian Center, Loxahatchee, FL
- Level: PSG Developing Horse
- Score: 65.58%
- Show: Welcome Back to White Fences I
- Location: White Fences Equestrian Center, Loxahatchee, FL
- Level: 4th 2
- Score: 67.83%
*Lakota placed 13th in the nation in the USEF Young Horse Championships PSG in 2013!
Benson HD
- Show: White Fences Summer Fun
- Location: Loxahatchee, FL
- Level: PSG
- Score: 79.86%
Thanks to Adam Pollak, Bent Jensen, Dr Weston Davis & Rae Marie Kennedy-Martin of Palm Beach Equine Clinic, Adam Holland, Cary Wallace, Michael F Rucci of Custom Saddlery, Lisa Wallace of DSB boots, Caroline Roffman, Robert Scott for his chiropractic care and Rene Ghelfi for her massage therapy!
- Show:
- Location: White Fences Equestrian Center.
- Level: PSG
- Score: 79.86%
Thanks to Bent Jensen, Custom Saddlery, Cary Wallace, DSB Boots, Lisa Wallace, my vet/farrier, my wonderful staff and Adam Pollak!
- Show: Adequan Global Dressage Festival
- Location:
- Level: PSG
- Score: 67%
Thanks to so many: Caroline Roffman, Lisa Wallace, Michael F Rucci, Cary Wallace, my veterinarian Weston Davis, Farrier Adam Holland and trainers Lars Petersen, Patrick Burssens, Bent Jensen, my Chiropractor Robert Scott and massage therapist Rene Ghelfi!
- Show: White Fences Equestrian Center
- Location: Loxahatchee, FL
- Level: Developing PSG
- Score: 68%
- Show: White Fences at Palm Beach Equine I
- Location: White Fences Equestrian Center, Loxahatchee, FL
- Level: PSG
- Score: 77%
Thank you to Lisa Wallace and DSB boots as sponsors for the show!
Don Fredo HD
- Show: Welcome Back to White Fences IV
- Location: White Fences Equestrian Center, Loxahatchee, FL
- Level: Young Horse 6 Year Olds FEI Test Finale
- Score: 82.00%
- Show: Gold Coast Fall Dressage
- Location:
- Level: Materiale 4 & 5 year old Stallion or Gelding
- Score: 78.50%
- Show: Welcome Back to White Fences I
- Location: White Fences Equestrian Center, Loxahatchee, FL
- Level: 4th 2
- Score: 70.81%
Thank you to Jessica & Doug Beier and Greystone Equestrian LLC!!!
- Show: Welcome Back to White Fences I
- Location: White Fences Equestrian Center, Loxahatchee, FL
- Level: 4th 2
- Score: 67.16%
- Show: White Fences Polar Express
- Location: White Fences Equestrian Center, Loxahatchee, FL
- Level: 4th 2
- Score: 66.75%
- Show: Dressage at Lamplight August II
- Location: Lamplight Equestrian Center, Wayne, IL
- Level: Young Horse 6 Year Olds FEI Test Finale
- Score: 75.20%
I want to thank Robert Dover, Debbie McDonald, Scott Hassler along with Holger Bechtloff!
- Show: Wellington Classic Dressage in the Tropics II
- Location:
- Level: Young Horse 6 Year Olds FEI Test Finale
- Score: 74.60%
Thank You to Noreen O’Sullivan, John Flanagan and Ann Hart for a great show!
- Show: Wellington Classic Dressage in the Tropics I
- Location:
- Level: Young Horse 6 Year Olds FEI Test Finale
- Score: 75.20%
- Show: Gold Coast May Dressage
- Location:
- Level: 3rd 3
- Score: 65.25%
Thanks to Noreen and Ann Hart for a great show!
- Show: Wellington Classic dressage Challenge III
- Location:
- Level: 3rd 3
- Score: 67.17%
- Show: International Horse Sport Dressage Premiere
- Location:
- Level: 1st 2
- Score: 72.70%
I want to Thank Ann Hart, Lars Peterson, Melissa Taylor, Hubertus Schmidt, Michelle Gibson, Devon Cane, Bobby Barwick, Adam Holland, Kay Moss, Michael Cabell, Dr Lockamy and Brittany Penny!
*On January 21st Heidi Degele was invited to ride Don FREDO HD in The United States Dressage Federation 2014 Succeed/USDF FEI-Trainers’ Conference with Steffen Peters and Scott Hassler held at High Meadow Farm in Loxahatchee, Florida.
Winsor Rox
- Show: Welcome Back to White Fences II
- Location: White Fences Equestrian Center, Loxahatchee, FL
- Level: PSG Developing Horse
- Score: 73.82%
- Show: Welcome Back to White Fences IV
- Location: White Fences Equestrian Center, Loxahatchee, FL
- Level: PSG
- Score: 73.42%
- Show: Gold Coast May Dressage
- Location:
- Level: PSG
- Score: 69.34%
- Show: WEF Wellington Dressage Nation Cup
- Location:
- Level: PSG
- Score: 68.68%
- Show: Welcome Back to White Fences II
- Location: White Fences Equestrian Center, Loxahatchee, FL
- Level: PSG Developing Horse
- Score: 68.08%
- Show: Welcome Back to White Fences IV
- Location: White Fences Equestrian Center, Loxahatchee, FL
- Level: PSG
- Score: 68.02%
- Show: Welcome Back to White Fences III
- Location: White Fences Equestrian Center, Loxahatchee, FL
- Level: PSG Developing Horse
- Score: 67.94%
- Show: International Horse Sport Dressage
- Location:
- Level: Materiale 4 & 5 year old Mare
- Score: 78.50%
Thanks to Kay Moss and Michael Cabel!
- Show: Dressage in the Tropics II
- Location:
- Level: Materiale 4 & 5 year old Mare
- Score: 77.50%
Rococo OSH – “Coco”
- Show: Gold Coast May Dressage
- Location: Palm Beach County Jim Brandon Equestrian Center, WPB, FL
- Level: Training 2
- Score: 75.35% – 1st Place: Reserve High Point
Congratulations to Marybeth Stanton, Andrea Nason, Caroline Roffman and Al Guden!
Whinney – “Win-A-Gen”
Thank you to Lisa Wallace and DSB boots as sponsors for the show!
Unique – “Mookie”
- Show: Gold Coast Dressage Finale II
- Location: Global Dressage Stadium at PBIEC, Wellington, FL
- Level: PSG
- Score: 70.65% – First Place: Reserve High Point
Thanks to the wonderful new owner of “Unique” – Marilla Van Beuren!
- Show: Welcome Back to White Fences IV
- Location: White Fences Equestrian Center, Loxahatchee, FL
- Level: PSG
- Score: 68.28%
Thanks to the new owner of “Unique” – Marilla Van Beuren!
- Show: Welcome Back to White Fences IV
- Location: White Fences Equestrian Center, Loxahatchee, FL
- Level: 4th 2
- Score: 68.10%
Thanks to the wonderful new owner of “Unique” – Marilla Van Beuren, Amy Bock. Jessica Beißmann, Adam Pollak and WhiteFences Equestrian for another fantastic show!!!
- Show: WEF Dressage Classic
- Location:
- Level: 4th 2
- Score: 68.37%
- Show: Welcome Back to White Fences I
- Location: White Fences Equestrian Center, Loxahatchee, FL
- Level: 3rd 1
- Score: 71.71%
Thank you to Jessica and Doug Beier and Greystone Equestrian LLC!! I also want to Thank Louise Palmer Saddle Fitter their great Custom saddles and their sponsorship!
Lionwood Kinsale’s Lad
- Show: Gold Coast Dressage Association
- Location: Palm Beach Equine Clinic
- Level: Intermediare 1 Freestyle
- Score: 71.13% and 69.25%
Thanks to the owner Ken Haley for his support!
- Show: Wellington Classic Autumn Dressage
- Location:
- Level: I1 Regular
- Score: 67.10%
- Show: Wellington Classic Autumn Dressage
- Location:
- Level: I1 Regular
- Score: 65.26%
- Show: Wellington Classic Dressage Challenge III
- Location:
- Level: I1 Regular
- Score: 65.39%
Haute Couture – “Hoppy”
- Show: Wellington Classic Dressage in the Tropics II
- Location: Wellington, FL
- Level: Training 2
- Score: 67.85%
Weltlicht – “Valentine”
- Show: Welcome Back to White Fences IV
- Location: White Fences Equestrian Center, Loxahatchee, FL
- Level: PSG
- Score: 68.28
- Show:
- Location:
- Level:
- Score:
- Show: Welcome Back to White Fences
- Location: White Fences Equestrian Center, Loxahatchee, FL
- Level: 4th 2
- Score: 64.86%
Shantal Rox
- Show: Welcome Back to White Fences III
- Location: White Fences Equestrian Center
- Level: Grand Prix Developing Horse
- Score: 65.56%
Click Below to View More Past Show Results
Wellington Classic 12-11-11 “Winsor Rox” 68.8% Intermediare 1
Wellington Classic9-23/24 2011 “Winsor Rox” Intermediare 1 65.5% “Lakota” 2nd Place 2nd 3 64.7% ‘Lakota Qualified’ for Regionals 2nd level!!!! White Fences at Palm Beach Equine 8-27/28-2011 ‘Winsor Rox’ PSG 65% ‘Winsor Rox’ 63.4% ‘Winsor Rox’ Qualified for Regionals 2011 PSG!!! Wellington Classic FL 7-23-2011 “Lakota” 3rd 3 64.87% “Shantal Rox” FEI PSG 65.27% ‘Shantal Rox’ Qualified for Regional PSG 2011!! ‘Lakota’ Qaulified for Regionals 3rd level 2011!!!! White Fences Summer Fun 6-4-11 ‘Lakota” FEI 6yr old 75.6% “Shantal Rox” FEI PSG 63.16%
Popular Place May Dressage GA 5-22-11 1st Place “Shantal Rox” 4th 2 64.59%<br /> “Lakota” FEI 6yr old 69.25% 1st Place “Shantal Rox” 4th 2 64.25% “Lakota” FEI 6yr old 68.16%
Gold Coast May Dressage Wellington FL 5-15-11 “Shantal Rox” 4th 2 67.75% “Lakota” FEI 6yr old 72% “Shantal Rox” 4th 2 67.29% “Lakota” FEI 6 yr old 73.8%
Wellington Classic Dressage FL 5-1-2011 “Lakota” FEI 6yr old 70.2% “Lakota FEI 6yr old 76.2%
Welcome back to White Fences FL 4-10-2011 “Shantal Rox” 4th2 65.4% “Shantal Rox” 4th 2 64.86% “Lakota” FEI 6yr old 78% “Lakota” FEI 6 yr old 78.6%
Welcome back to White Fences FL 3-28-11 “Lakota 6yr old test 67.6% “Lakota” 6y old test 72.6%
Welcome back to White Fences FL 3-20-11 “Lakota” 6yr old test 67% “Lakota” 6yr old test 76%
Welcome back to White Fences FL 2-25-2011 “Lakota” 2nd 1 68.57% “Shantal Rox” 3rd 3 64.35% Shantal Rox 4th 2 67.57%
White Fences Polar FL 12-18-10 “Lakota” 5 yr olds 70.4% ‘Shantal Rox 6yr old 72%
Wellington Classic FL 12-12-10 “Lakota” 5 yr old 68.6% “Shantal Rox” FEI 6yr old 71.6%
Wellington Classic FL 10-24-2010 “Lakota” FEI 5yr old 70% “Shantal Rox” FEI 6 yr old 74%
Wellington Classic FL 7-24-2010 “Lakota “ 1st 3 67.14%
Wellington Classic Fall Challenge FL 9-18-2010 “Lakota” FEI 5YR 68.6% “Shantal Rox” FEI 6YR 70.4% “Lakota” FEI 5YR 70% “Shantal Rox” FEI 6 YR 69.6%
Dressage in the Tropics Ocala FL 7-25-10 “Lakota” 5 YR 68.4%
White Fences Summer Fun FL 6-13-2010 “Lakota” 1st 3 64%
Welcome to White Fences FL 4-11-2009 “Cappucino” 65.789%
Wellington Classic 3-2009 “Capuccino” FEI PSG 65%
Gold Coast Opener Wellington FL 1-23-2009 “Capuccino” 3rd 1 66.41% 1ST PLACE “Capuccino” 3rd 2 67.949% “Capuccino” 3rd 3 64.65%
Welcome Back to White Fences 2-3-2009 1st PLACE “Capucino” 3rd 2 66.41%
Gold Coast Opener Wellington FL 2009 Capucino 3rd 2 67.99%
Wellington Classic Dressage FL 4-28-2007 “Ramiros” Intermediare 1 Freestyle 65% “Ramiros” PSG 65% “Everybody’s Darling” Grand Prix 60%
1 st PLACE WINNER OF DRESSAGE/JUMPING 2007 Spectacular with “Ramiros” breaking the tie in Dressage (breaking Anne Kursinski’s and Bent Jensen’s 7 yr in a row win)
Dressage at Equestrian Estates FL 4-1-2007 “Ramiros” PSG 64.5%
Twice as Nice Dressage Ocala, FL 3-4-2007 3-4-2007 “Ramiros” FEI PSG 67% “Ramiros” FEI INT 1 65.75% 1st PLACE “Everybody’s Darling” FEI Grand Prix 64.375%
Welcome Back to White Fences FL 2-3-2007 “Ramiros”FEI Intermediarre 1 64.25%
Competed/Trained in Germany at Hubertus Schmidt’s farm 2004-2007
Show results Europe: Competed S Level 2nd Place M Level ‘Everybody’s Darling’ 72% Placing above Nicole Uphoff in M LEVEL with “Ramiros”
Gold Coast Dressage Grand Finale Wellington, FL 4-24-2004 “Ramiros’ Fourth level 2 64.65%
Dressage at Equestrian Estates FL 3-28-2003 “Ramiros” 2nd 2 67.56%
Wellington Dressage FL 2-2-2002 “Kenousa” TR 66.53%
Tropical Heat 6-23-2002 “Ramiros” First level 4- 65.88%
Grand Finalle 11 Wellington FL 4-21-2002 “Ramiros” First level 4 – 65.88%
Waterloo August Dressage Show MI 8-10-2001 “Alfredo”FEI Pri St Georges 64.12%
Ohio Dressage Festival 8-5-2001 “Alfredo” FEI Pri St Georges 66.25%
Click to View Student Show Results Student Show Results